Launching of the strategic concept for Defence and National Security

The Vice Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Brigadier General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus, presented on September 7th, the strategic concept for National Defence and Security, introduced by the Minister of Defence, Cirilo Cristovão. The ceremony took place at the Ministry of Defence and Headquarters for F-FDTL, in Fatuhada, Díli.

Present were the Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo, the Minister of State, Coordinator for Social Affairs and Minister of Education, António da Conceição, the Minister of State, Coordinator for State Administration Affairs and Minister of Justice and of State Administration, Dionísio Babo Soares, the Minister of Justice, Ivo Valente, the Minister of Social Solidarity, Isabel Amaral Guterres, the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Alfredo Pires, the Minister of the Interior, Longuinhos Monteiro, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Hélder Lopes, the Secretary of State for Youth and Sport, Leovigildo Hornay, the General Commander for the National Police of Timor-Leste, Commissioner Julius Hornai and military and civilian advisers, from the Government, in the field of Defence and Security and the media.

Rui Maria de Araújo stressed that despite the fact that the defence and national security strategic concept has passed through a long process, civil society should be taken into consideration as the issue of defence and security is also linked to national development.

“Regarding the process, I think we should take into account the views of civil society. The document is not confidential and these are guidelines for defence and security policies”, referred the Head of Government.

The Prime Minister stressed the need to include in the strategic concept matters relating to the Timor Sea as well as all the inherent activities, since in the future these will be under the tutelage of the Maritime Authority.

“In this context, I want to launch an appeal: let us focus our special attention on the strategic concept of defence and security in all maritime activities, by accelerating the pace with the Maritime Authority. We have to create, immediately, conditions to improve services in this area, “continued the Head of Government.

The Prime Minister also asked that, after its completion, the strategic concept be quickly delivered to the Council of Ministers for approval in order to ensure the Defence Policy and National Security of Timor-Leste.
