The Organizing Committee and RAEOA prepare the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the Affirmation of the Timorese Identity

The celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the Affirmation of the Timorese Identity, this year, were the subject of the meeting between the Minister of State, Coordinating Minister of State Administration Affairs and Justice, DionĂ­sio Babo, as President of the Organizing Committee, and the Chairman of the Special Regional Administrative Oe-Cusse Ambeno Authority (Tetum acronym: RAEOA), Mari Alkatiri. The meeting took place on July 16th, at the Office of the Special Economic Zone for Social Market Economy (Tetum acronym: ZEESM), with the objective of finalizing the preparations for the celebrations taking place this year, in Timor-Leste.

The high point of these celebrations will be held on November 28th, the Day of Proclamation of Independence. Various activities throughout the country are being planned, especially in Oe-Cusse Ambeno, where a historic recreation of the first meeting of the Portuguese missionaries with the people of Timor and their leaders will be held.

The activities are being developed following a historical, cultural and intellectual approach, highlighting the role of the Catholic Church in the history of Timor-Leste. Throughout these 500 years, the Catholic Church has been a great spiritual, human and material support to the people, highlighting the role played during the Indonesian occupation, which contributed to the legitimacy and international credibility of the Resistance.

The festivities are being prepared for some time by a committee approved by a meeting of the Council of Ministers, in April this year. It comprises representatives from various ministries and departments of State and representatives of the RAEOA Authority.
