Annual meeting between the Government and the Timor-Leste’s development partners of 2015 dedicated to the consolidation of the institutions

The Timor-Leste Development Partners Meeting [TLDPM] is being held, today, at the Dili Convention Centre. The Government convenes the meeting annually with development partners and a broad range of stakeholders to share their vision for the future, articulate medium term priorities and reflect on progress achieved in national development. This year the focus of the TLDPM is on “Consolidating Institutions, Transitioning Toward Resilience.”

Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo welcomed participants and thanked them for the deep respect they had shown as Timor-Leste mourned national hero H.E. Fernando La Sama de Araújo. He noted both the successes and continuing challenges of Timor-Leste, and set out the Government’s plan to address these challenges.

Presentations and panel discussions at the 2015 TLDPM detailed specific actions to be undertaken by the Government over the next two years, particularly through their reform program which includes public administration reform, fiscal and tax reform and the harmonisation and standardisation of laws.

International visitors, development partners, members of civil society and representatives of the private sector are all part of the discussions occurring at the 2015 TLDPM.
