National Council of Combatants of National Liberation to be formally established

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

  Díli, April 17, 2015

National Council of Combatants of National Liberation

to be formally established

The development of the “Council of the Combatants of National Liberation” [CCLN] took a significant step forward this week with the Council of Ministers approving a Decree Law on Tuesday setting out the objectives, structure and functions of the Council.

Consultations with veterans regarding the Council have been ongoing since 2011. The Decree Law gives the CCLN a role as a consultative body to Government recognizing the role of the combatants in the establishment of peace and social stability and their continuing role in the sustainable development of Timor-Leste.

Once the law is promulgated a committee will be tasked to establish the Council formally within a six-month period.

The Decree Law also establishes the 3rd of March as National Veterans Day. This recognizes the 3rd of March 1981, the date of the beginning of the reorganization of the resistance which represented a milestone in the struggle and occurred at once of the most difficult periods in the fight for National Freedom.

Spokesperson for the Government, Minister of State Agio Pereira noted “the approval of this decree law which will lead to the establishment of the Council of Combatants of National Liberation is an important step to honor, serve and engage the combatants who fought for the liberation of our country.”
