The Anti Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste celebrates five years of service

Minister of State and of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and

Official Spokesperson for the Government of Timor-Leste

 Díli, February 24, 2015

The Anti Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste celebrates five years of service


When the Anti Corruption Commission [CAC] of Timor-Leste was inaugurated on the 22nd of February 2010 it began its work with a very clear vision: “A democratic State of Timor-Leste with a strong culture of rejecting corruption in the interest and prosperity of the people”. To achieve this vision its mission is “to combat corruption through prevention, education and investigation.”

The Commission has grown from ideas on a piece of paper to a functioning institution with a building, staff, resources and investigators. Since 2010 CAC has made significant inroads into investigating corruption, identifying areas of weakness and educating the people on what corruption is and does.

To celebrate the Commission’s fifth anniversary a workshop on “Combatting Corruption from a Legal Perspective” was held last Friday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Speakers included the Anti Corruption Commissioner Adérito António Pinto Tilman, the Chief of the Supreme Court Guilhermino da Silva and newly appointed Prime Minister H.E. Dr. Rui Maria de Araújo. In the afternoon participants were addressed by General Prosecutor Dr. José Ximenes, Ombudsman of Human Rights Dr. Silverio Pinto and Vice President of Committee A of National Parliament Mr. Araão Noel.

Prime Minister Dr. Rui Araújo told participants “Our people did not suffer so much, and sacrifice so much, to gain independence only to watch our country slip away in the corruption of our State. That is why we must make sure that corruption does not pay in Timor-Leste. We must let it be known that those that engage in corrupt behavior are at risk. We cannot take half measures or excuse or accept corruption. We cannot let corruption take root in our society. And so, we need a strong Anti-Corruption Commission that can take firm measures and that has the power to keep Government honest and accountable.”

He also assured that the “Government welcomes the Anti-Corruption Commission and its work” committing to “provide it with the support and cooperation that it needs to effectively fight corruption in our country.” He urged the Commission “to continue its good work not only in investigating corruption but also in taking action to prevent corruption through education campaigns and the targeting of vulnerable service areas.”

The Anti Corruption Commissioner Adérito Tilman affirmed that there is “zero tolerance” toward corruption and that dedication is needed from all. He recognized the effort, dedication and progress of the Commission over the past five years and looked forward to building on these foundations.

The speech of Prime Minister Rui Maria de Araújo is available here.

The website of the Anti Corruption Commission is:
