SoSLP launches National Registration System in Aileu

The Secretary of State for Land and Property (SoSLP), represented by National Director of Land Property and Cadastral Services, Romão Guterres, launched the program of the National Registration System (NRS) in the municipality of Aileu. Organized on February 17th, at the meeting hall in Aileu, this was one of the first activities of the VI Constitutional Government.

Romão Guterres said that the NRS program is already on-going in six municipalities: Díli, Liquiçá, Manatuto, Lospalos, Oe-Cusse Ambeno e Suai.

According to Romão Guterres, the National Registration System program is important because, once the Land Law is approved, the information retrieved by NRS will be used as data base to set property limits, as well as to produce certificates for the proprietors. Therefor he asked people to provide accurate information to the NRS Teams.

In his speech, the Administrator of the municipality of Aileu, Martinho Matos, said that land is important for human life. Considering the presence of NRS technical staff, he appealed to the communities to provide clear and correct information to the teams about the land considered by the State as public but that are claimed by the communities.

Director of Land and Properties of Aileu, Gaspar, reminded the audience that this national program now called National Registration System, was previously known as “Ita-Nia Rai” (our land) and was supported by the North American government.

According to the plan, surveys will be carried out throughout the entire territory. Thus an appeal was made to all communities to pay attention to the information from national representatives in order to minimize issues related to the property of land parcels.

Representing the community, Domingos Rodrigues said the land issue stops development, considering that in some situations people have occupied the forest. He also mentioned that the State, through the Land and Property Services should make a stronger law to allow a better management of problems arising from this type of situations.
