Meeting of the Council of Ministers from November 11th, 2014

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, November 11th, 2014

Press Release

Meeting of the Council of Ministers from November 11th, 2014


The Council of Ministers met this Tuesday, November 11, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government Palace in Dili, and approved two diplomas and two projects:

1. Third Amendment to the Government Decree No. 1/2014, of February 12th, about the General State Budget Execution for 2014

The Government Decree No. 1/2014, of February 12th, about the General State Budget Execution for 2014 established the rules required for the execution of the General State Budget (GSB) in 2014, approved by Law no. 2/2014, on the GSB for 2014.

There is now the need to amend this diploma in order to change the general rules relating to the closing of the financial year, in order to allow greater flexibility in duly justified cases.

2. Building of irrigation canals in Oebaba

The Council of Ministers approved the second stage of the building of irrigation canals in Oebaba in the Zumalai subdistrict, Suai-Cova Lima district, which uses high technology to ensure the security of the canals and its sustainability. 

3. Addendum to the contract with FreeBalance Inc.

The Council of Ministers discussed the need for hiring additional services by this financial management company. The additional services concerned are: improvement, development, installation, implementation and new functionality testing, as well as improved functionalities, financial management system, in addition to training employees on these new features.

It is important to remember that the company FreeBalance Inc. was hired by the State of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste in 2010 to support the Implementation and Management of Government Resource Planning (GRP) Solutions.

This Addendum to the Contract with FreeBalance Inc. aims to continue to improve and accelerate the achievements of the Public Financial Management reform.

4. Decree-Law approving the payment of one month of basic salary to the public sector

Similar to what has happened in previous years, the Council of Ministers decided to approve the extraordinary payment, of unique character, of one month of basic salary to the ones named in this Decree-Law.

This decision intends to appreciate the Public Administration, recognizing the work of its human resources.

