Government receives seven generators for the Hera power station

On August 24, the Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão received seven Wartsila brand generators , from the Puri Akraya Engineering Company. The delivery of the generators was made with a traditional ceremony by Lia-nain, and with the blessing of the Manatuto pastor in Metinaro, Díli.

According to Xanana Gusmão, “Behau becomes an important site for the entire territory of Timor-Leste, receiving these great machines that will help the State to fulfill its mission of providing electricity to all Timorese. He added that “all the sacrifices that were made would be worth very little if electricity were only available in the city and district capitals, because it was the people who suffered and gained its independence, so the State has an obligation to keep this in mind”.

On this occasion, the Minister for Infrastructure, Pedro Lay, said that the seven generators, delivered by the company Puri Akraya Engineering, are intended to be placed in Hera and he reminded that they are of good quality, of internationally renowned brands, with production quality assurance in production on and safe for the environment.

The seven generators have a total capacity of 120MW, and each unit has a capacity of 10.17 MW. In addition to these, soon eight more generators with 130MW capacity will arrive for the same power plant, each of which will have 17.7 MW.

Pedro Lay added that the construction of the power plant complies with the plan and may start producing electricity as early as next November, in the northern part of the territory, with the transmission line which is under construction to cover the entire territory.

He also informed that from 2012 the southern part of the territory will have access to electricity. Thus with the functioning of the two power stations in the country, local communities and all families will have access to electricity, which will improve living conditions to all.
