Second amendment to the Parlamentu Foinsa’e Nian (Youth Parliament)

The Council of Ministers, at the April 3rd, 2024 meeting, approved the draft Government Resolution for the second amendment to Government Resolution 23/2009, of November 18th, approving the Parlamentu Foinsa’e Nian (Youth Parliament), presented by the Minister of Youth, Sports, Art and Culture, Nelyo Isaac Sarmento. 433482946 404264085655207 6984741273989201621 n2 300x200 Second amendment to the Parlamentu Foinsae Nian (Youth Parliament)

The purpose of this Government Resolution is to further strengthen this successful programme by contributing to the training of young people in a comprehensive way, focusing mainly on training in the areas of civic education and citizenship, entrepreneurship, research and analysis methodology, the environment, anti-corruption, management and organisation of youth associations, equality and gender, education based on life skills, and information and communication technologies. 433449456 730462242632785 4687603707113023302 n 151x225 Second amendment to the Parlamentu Foinsae Nian (Youth Parliament)

Given the change in the number of Administrative Posts, the number of young people who make up the Parlamentu Foinsa’e Nian (Youth Parliament) has been changed. The Parliament will now be made up of two young people elected on an equal gender basis from each of the Administrative Posts and two representatives, at the national level, of young people with disabilities elected by the Disabled People’s Association of Timor-Leste, aged between 12 and 17, elected for three years.

The Government Resolution also establishes that the Parlamentu Foinsa’e Nian (Youth Parliament)’s rules of procedure, competences, form of participation, organisation and operation, as well as the selection and election process, will be regulated by Ministerial Decree issued by the member of the Government responsible for the area of Youth. The resolutions approved by the Parlamentu Foinsa’e Nian (Youth Parliament) will be presented annually to the Council of Ministers.
