Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers from January 6th, 2015

Presidency of the Council of Ministers

V Constitutional Government


Dili, January 06th, 2015

Extraordinary Meeting of the Council of Ministers from January 6th, 2015

The Government met extraordinarily on this Tuesday, January 6th, 2015, in the Council of Ministers’ meeting room, at the Government Palace, in Dili, and approved:

The archipelago of Cape Verde, friendly country of Timor-Leste, also part of CPLP, was on last November 23rd, hit by a volcanic eruption in Fire Island.

It is estimated that this catastrophe has already caused more than 50 million American Dollars’ worth of damage with the destruction of two villages (Portela and Bangaeira) in more than 30% of the 700 hectares of farmable land and of many infrastructures.

The people from Chã das Caldeiras, plateau serving as base to the several volcanic cones in Fogo Island, is still daily moving to farm lands not consumed by lava.

The approximately 1.500 inhabitants from both villages were displaced from Chã das Caldeiras and most of them are settled in three accommodation centers, in the north and south of Fogo Island.

Timor-Leste is, thereby, expressing its solidarity with Cape-Verdean people, by granting more than $USD 500.000 (five-hundred thousand American Dollars) in order to support the victims from the volcanic eruption in Fogo Island.

2. Government Resolution approving the  grating of aid to the victims of the floods in Thailand

Thailand is suffering devastating floods, caused by the tropical storm Jangmi. It has already been declared a state of disaster across eight regions of the country.

It is estimated that almost two thousand places have already been affected, more than twenty thousand people have been displaced, eight deaths have been registered, and there are still several missing persons.

Considering the heavy rain across the country and the devastating effects that caused terrible losses of life and losses of property to thousands of Thais, who now also face food insecurity and the lack of basic infrastructure, Timor-Leste expressed its solidarity with the Thai people by donating USD 500,000 (five hundred thousand US dollars) for the purpose of humanitarian assistance to the affected population.

3. Government Resolution approving the grating of aid to flood victims in Malaysia

Malaysia is facing the worst flooding from the last ten years, caused by the tropical storm Jangmi.

Heavy rain is lasting for several days and is flooding most part of the region, having already caused thousands of displaced and the death of at least 21 people.

The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste is in solidarity with the people of Malaysia, especially for the enormous lack of food, drinking water, shelter and health assistance that this country is facing with an exemplary courage, thus reinforcing the need of a more effective international cooperation.

Therefore, the Government has decided to approve the donation of $USD 1.000.000 (one million American Dollars, for humanitarian assistance purposes, to the affected population, in Malaysia.

4. Government Resolution on Oath Break Commitment Provided to Martial Arts

This diploma aims, through a solemn commitment, to dissociate the elements belonging to martial art groups from any oaths they have provided to those organizations, which activities are illegal according to resolution 16/2013, from July 2nd, setting the prohibition of martial arts’ activities, of any kind, across the whole national territory.

The Council of Ministers underlines that it is inadmissible to any Timorese citizen to take an oath – of any kind or by any reason – to the flag of the Republic of Indonesia or any other country.

5. Government Resolution showing Solidarity with Indonesia

Indonesia, neighbour country and friend of Timor-Leste, faces times of pain and sorrow due to the AirAsia QZ8501 plane crash, in the Java Sea.

The airplane carried 162 people, in its large majority, Indonesian citizens.

The real causes for the plane crash are still unknown.

This aviation tragedy causes a deep pain and anguish in the entire world, but mainly to the people of Indonesia for the irreplaceable loss of its citizens.

Timor-Leste is thus expressing their deepest emotion and sharing bonds of friendship and solidarity with Indonesia.

The Government reaffirms a word of solidarity for the friendly country, always aiming to support and help in so far as it is able.

url: https://timor-leste.gov.tl?lang=en&p=11059